I'm pretty excited for Thanksgiving this year because for the first time in four years we'll be spending it with my family (but sadly not the Potter family), but mostly because we are going into culinary uncharted waters for me. There will be not one, not two, but three proteins served this year. Turkey, the traditional; from the far east, the exotic duck, and the humble chicken. "But how will you cook all three in your oven at once?" you might be asking. They are deboned and wrapped up inside one another with a delicious cornbread and rice stuffing in between each one.
It might be cheating a little, because we're getting the Turduckhen from Costco, but you know what, that's what the membership is for. Getting ridiculously extravagant fowl that I would otherwise have to thaw, debone, wrap, season and cook all on my own, and that's a lot of work.
So here's the menu:
Cornbread and rice stuffing
Sweet potato casserole
Homemade sausage and apple dressing
Homemade cranberry relish
Canned cranberry relish
Apple pie(s)
Pumpkin pie(s)
Chocolate mousse trifle (because I can't help myself)
Green bean casserole
Potato rolls
and homemade egg nog!
Whew! What are your favorite Thanksgiving dishes? What says "Thanksgiving" to you? And I promise, I'll write another article about the meaning of Thanksgiving. Yes, right now, I'm just thinking about food.
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